- Arrive Beijing. We are on the ground and in line to be deemed healthy enough to enter China. Haven't seen Alex yet but should be soon!
- Dave and I have landed, been deemed healthy enough to enter China (only took about an hour or so of standing in line) and have successfully found Alex and our hotel. Absolutely delightful little place--looking forward to exploring tomorrow. Plan to explore Alex's school and Olympics area the meet up with Steven.
- What an adventure!
Karen's e-mails from her Blackberry (above) are short and concise. I would have been wise to have learned from her example. My comments (from this point on, equivalent to about 52 pages in MS Word, also called a short novel by some) are a little longer. I'd have written even more. Fortunately, I didn't have regular access to a computer for the first several days. By the time I found a computer, I was already overwhelmed by the visual and other stimuli of this first visit to China. So, bear with me as I try to describe an exotic experience from my naive point of view. The balance of the trip becomes even more flavorful, and I think, makes for better reading. And like everything I’ve ever written, it’s all true.
Continue to first full day in Beijing...
Author's note: Many more photos from the fifteen day trip around China can be found at http://photos.davegribbin.com/Photography/China
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